Cross these scenic Kansas City footbridges
Whether they cross a creek or span a ravine, they extend our hikes and enhance our perspective.
By Roy Harryman
There’s something about footbridges that captures our imagination. Is it that they transport us to someplace that would otherwise be unattainable? That they elevate our perspective? I don’t know. But the attraction is real.
“We build too many walls and not enough bridges.”
There are numerous footbridges scattered throughout Greater Kansas City. Some span ditches while others take us across otherwise impassable streams or gullies. Here, we list our top five, knowing that we’ll some out that are your favorites (tell us in the comments).
Is it worth hiking a trail just to walk a bridge? Probably not. But it’s a bonus to know they’re there.
MOPAC Trail at City Lake in Pleasant Hill
The MOPAC is a single-track mountain bike trail that crosses two floating bridges that span lake inlets. The 3.5-mile loop is set in a quiet, rural part of Cass County.
Town of Kansas Bridge at Berkley Riverfront Park
This urban trail begins with a sweeping view of the Missouri River and Northland. The bridge is the first stop when entering the trail from the River Market trailhead. As a bonus, there is an elevator to transport you to the river level if you don’t want to or can’t take the stairs.
Lake Vista Trail at Blue Springs Lake
About halfway through this trail, a prominent bridge spans a clear tributary that feeds into Blue Springs Lake. You can also splash in the creek underneath the bridge and chill out on gravel bars.
Turkey Creek Streamway Trail
You can access this trail in many locations, but one of the more memorable is the bridge that spans the creek from Merriam Marketplace (farmers market) to Werner Park. The entire trail is a relaxing and mostly shaded walk.
Swinging bridges at Hollis Renewal Center in Wyandotte County
Not only is the Hollis Renewal Center scenic, but it’s the only location around here that can boast swinging bridges open to the public. The center is a private camp that graciously opens its trails to outsiders. You can make a donation to express your appreciation.
Runners up
Blue River Locks of Love Bridge
The Blue River Trail is the home of the Locks of Love (Old Red) Bridge. It’s a runner up because, technically it’s a bridge to nowhere (though it used to be a highway bridge). If you want to walk the Blue River Trail, it’s a great photo stop.
Big Bridge, Bigger River
Finally, although this is not a trail, you can walk across the Missouri River in a few locations around Kansas City. One of these is the Heart of America Bridge, which is home to Missouri Highway 9. It spans Berkley Riverfront Park and “lands” in North Kansas City. On the east side of the bridge, there is a walking and biking lane fenced off from the highway. You can access it from the Columbus Park neighborhood on the Kansas City side.
I’m sure we missed some of your favorites. Let us know in the comments.