Hike this Truman Lake Trail Trifecta

1000th Mile Trail at Harry S Truman State Park

Less than two hours from Downtown KC are miles of lakeside serenity, treks above high bluffs and close encounters with nature.

By Roy Harryman

Warsaw, Mo., has quietly distinguished itself as a standout hiking location. This Central Missouri lake community doesn’t get all the hubbub of our state’s better-known lakes. And that’s great for those of us who prefer nature and serenity.

There’s more to outdoor recreation in Warsaw than we can cover here, but this agenda will be enough to fill a full weekend. The area is perhaps best known for Harry S Truman State Park, which is a rocky, forested peninsula rising 150 feet above the lake. Nearby is Shawnee Bend, a Corps of Engineers property also open to the public. And then there’s Warsaw itself, which is home to miles of lakefront trails and offers restaurants and services. Read on for more and carpe diem!

Warsaw Riverfront Trails

The lakefront town of Warsaw, Mo., offers more than 6 miles of paved and gravel trails along the Osage River arm of Lake of the Ozarks. These trails bring walkers close to waterfowl, the historic downtown area and Drake Harbor. In addition, the 600-foot-long Joe Dice Bridge is a popular pedestrian bridge offering scenic views of the entire area. Warsaw also offers food, beverages and services – all within walking distance of the trail.

Truman Lake State Park, Warsaw, Missouri

Truman Lake State Park, Warsaw, Mo.

Harry S Truman State Park offers some of the most scenic trails in central Missouri. Trails afford distant views across the reservoir and region. The park is also an excellent place to view wildlife, including eagles and birds of prey soaring above the water. Wildflowers and woods stretch across the peninsula from shore to shore.

Shawnee Bend Bluff at Truman Lake

Shawnee Bend Bluff Trail at Truman Lake

This trail leads to arguably the best blufftop views on the lake. After walking through forest and meadows, the trail parallels the lakefront bluffs, giving access to the jutting cliffs. In addition to those environments, you’ll find remnants of bygone eras when people tried to scratch out a living in the rocky soil.

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