Camp Branch Glade: A small reserve packed with nature
This small park has preserved some of Johnson County’s natural features.
Trail Camp Branch Glade trail
Camp Branch Glade is a unique southeast Johnson County park that has preserved some of the area’s native wildness. Its 58 acres include a glade, prickly pear cactus, a sinkhole, large limestone boulders and a rocky, clear tributary to Camp Branch Creek and the Blue River.
Length 1.5 miles total in three loops
Address and location 5151 W. 175th St., Stilwell, Kan., 66085
Conditions This is a rustic, dirt trail but it is well marked and has only moderate elevation changes.
Kid friendly? This trail is not suitable for strollers, but supervised children should do fine.
How busy? Low to moderate traffic.
Pets Yes, on a leash (unless otherwise designated). Read Johnson County Park rules here.
Bikes Non-motorized bicycles are permitted.