Graham Cave State Park: Waterfalls, rocky hills and a mysterious cavern
Graham Cave has provided shelter for humans for up to 10,000 years and has yielded arrowheads, pottery and other artifacts.
An impressively wide cave entrance has been home to humans for up to 10,000 years.
Trail Trails at Graham Cave State Park
Missouri’s Graham Cave State Park is one of those just-off-the-interstate phenomena that most motorists are oblivious of. And that’s not a bad thing, because it means we can keep the park to ourselves. The park’s namesake cave is impressive with an entrance more than 100 feet wide. The cave can no longer be entered, but visitors can peer inside along the full length of the rock shelf that forms it. Archeology has determined that hunters and gatherers have used it for up to 10,000 years. Finds have included pottery, arrowheads and spears. The cave apparently provided temporary shelter for natives over thousands of years. Beyond the cave, which only takes a few minutes to see, the 386-acre park is a wealth of trails. Rocky hills, clear streams and waterfalls are found throughout its 4.6 miles of trails. A noted feature is the Graham Cave Glades Natural Area, an 82-acre zone comprised of of sandstone and dolomite glades.
Length There are 4.6 miles of trails throughout the park.
Address and location Graham Cave State Park, 217 State Hwy TT, Danville, Mo. 63361.
Distance The park is about two and a-half hours from Downtown Kansas City. It is east of Columbia, Mo., right off I-70. Graham Cave is near Columbia, Mo., so can be visited on the same trip as other area hiking destinations.
Conditions Most of Graham Cave State Park’s trails are natural surface, but there are a few paved sections. There are a few relatively steep elevation grades, but the trails are of no more than moderate difficulty.
Kid friendly? The paved trails are stroller friendly. Otherwise, kids will need to walk. Children will enjoy rocks and streams and there is also a playground at the park.
How busy? This park is moderately busy, particularly on holidays and in optimal weather.
Pets Yes, on a leash.
Other hiking opportunities near Graham Cave State Park