Reach for the Sky at Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve

Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Kansas

Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Strong City, Kan.

Thousands of acres of pristine prairie beckon to be explored.

  • Trail Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve

  • Overview
    This national park holds some of the last undisturbed native tallgrass prairie. Its 11,000 acres include 40 miles of trails. Epic rolling hills appear to recede into eternity. In addition to Flint Hills wildlife such as white-tailed deer, bobcats, coyotes and beaver, a herd of bison roam the preserve. The park includes an educational visitors’ center as well as a preserved late 1800s-era ranch including a home, barn and other structures. A stone, one-room schoolhouse built in 1889 has becoming an iconic symbol of the prairie. In addition to the backcountry trails, a shorter nature trail begins near the visitors’ center. The preserve features upland trails that explore thousands of acres of ranch country. But there is also an extensive bottomland area and stream that is just as worthy of hiking.

  • Length There are 40 miles of trails, ranging from nature paths to long hikes in the backcountry.

  • Address and location Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, 2480B KS-177, Strong City, Kan., 66869.

  • Conditions Trails are old gravel ranch roads and mowed paths. They are well marked and maintained. Depending on where you hike, elevation gain can be extensive. The National Park Service says this about disability access: “The Bottomland Trail is wheelchair friendly (except when wet) with trailhead kiosk, five interpretive waysides, wheelchair accessible comfort station, picnic area, benches, and two varying length trails of 3/4 or 1/2 mile. Handicap parking (gravel, but close to the trailhead) is available.”

  • Kid friendly? These trails aren’t stroller-friendly, so children will need to walk or be carried. There is plenty of room to roam and for kids to wander and play. Of course, keep an eye on your kids (and yourself) in the presence of bison. They roam freely. The visitor’s center is an excellent stop for kids, with exhibits they can see and touch.

  • How busy? This is a remote area, so you’ll be hard pressed to find a time when it’s too populated.

  • Pets Prohibited, except on the Southwind Nature Trail.

  • Bikes Prohibited.

  • Official website 

Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve Kansas
Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve Kansas
Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve Kansas
Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve Kansas

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